Thursday, October 29, 2009

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Ben Wurgler
Project 4, Photomontage
Artist Statement

The subject matter I chose is a Catholic church. I chose this church because I really liked the dramatic architecture and I thought it would be good subject matter for this project. I took these photos in the early afternoon during an overcast day, which provided some really good lighting. This church is very tall and narrow and I wanted to capture that.
I was trying to make as the center of interest the stained glass window. I hand colored it in because I wanted it to stand out from the gray scale of the rest of the picture. I also tried to draw the eye upwards to reinforce the tallness of the building.
All of my photos are intentionally in focus. I wanted everything to remain clear. I also tried to preserve as much detail in the highlights and shadows as I could while at the same time trying to boost the contrast.
The style of this project lends itself to a "pieced together" look due in part to different camera angles used, and also because the photos are literally pieced together. At the same time however, I tried to make the composition balanced.
I was pleased with the way that this piece turned out. I think I achieved the dramatic look that I was going for.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Tuesday, September 8, 2009